Friday, November 20, 2015



Change color of pants to not blend in with background
Good angle
Disconnect in colored lineart on left figure (bump it up)
Clothing on left seems flat and smooth, and not as much attention.
Possibly put plaid on left figure shirt
Add a rim light on legs (just work on rim light)
Health bars are good; add more video game effects

Friday, October 30, 2015

Life Drawing 2

Critique Received:

Add more dark values to bodies, push dimensionality in a lot of pieces, good posture
Good blue values, and depth, figures look like they have weight and are sitting in space
Neon lights, anatomy is better, more light pink in the blue and pink piece
Make sure colors aren't just isolated incidents
Good use of background color as outline
Include reflective colors, need more line variation
Average foreshortening
Good utilization of brushes
Attention to muscular forms
Utilized texture, and experimentation
Good gesture

Friday, October 23, 2015


Critique received

Light should reflect more rocks and be given more range
Two exits are competing as light sources (one should be smaller)
More reflection should be on water
Someone suggested that I add bats and a creature, but Ionnoboutalldat.....


Friday, October 9, 2015

Master Copying

Original on Right, Mine on Left.
Critique Given:

Both look watercolor-y
Body is curvier in mine
More contrast than original
Should be more hard edges
Chest area is more successful
Face in mine is better, background texture is more successful, more of the figure in mine whereas it, in original, gets lost in the background, dress shape is better than original